Monday, September 8, 2008

Follow Me

Google is always introducing new things, and they're usually pretty good. Recently they came out with this thing called Following for blogs. It lets people keep up do date with your blog, and lets you know who's interested in your blog. So if you really love me, you'll click the Follow this blog link to the right.


Kentucky Kate said...

I'm not sure yet why I'm following, but I am. what's the point of it?

Eric said...

Congratulations! You're my first follower! Now there's a little icon on my blog that shows that you're following me. If you had a picture in your profile it would show a little picture of you there.

So it's basically a popularity contest - sort of like getting your yearbook signed in high-school. (wait, that's a bad analogy, you never got a yearbook) OK, like getting your shirt signed at VBS.