Monday, January 5, 2009

Private Blogging

A couple of you out there have recently made your blogs private due to concerns about perverts finding your blog and leaving inappropriate comments about your kids. While making your blog private (viewable by invitation only) is the most fool-proof method of keeping the creeps out, I just wanted to let everyone know (in case you didn't already know) about a few things you can do to increase the security of your blog without making it completely private. (This applies to Blogger blogs only, but most other blogging products should have similar functionality)

After logging into your blog, go to "Settings", which should put you on the default sub-section of "Basic". The fourth entry down is "Add your blog to our listings?" Make sure it is set to . Right under that is "Let search engines find your blog?" Make sure that is set to also. Be sure to click on "Save Settings".

These steps don't actually prevent anyone from seeing your blog, they just make it so that your blog is not being listed in the search engines, which is the way that creeps find stuff 99% of the time. This will also keep harmless people from finding your blog, but that's the trade off you make. Happy blogging!

1 comment:

dtarks said...

Eric, you are amazing!